Your School Magazine

A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writings of the teachers and the students of a school. Almost every well established school publishes it every year. It contains poems, articles and short stories. The publication of a school magazine is a very difficult task. The editors have to work hard to publish it. The school magazine is an important things for students. A student fell proud when he find his writing in print. The students can learn many things from it. The school also reflects academic and co curricular activities of the school. In a word school magazine is the mirror of a school.


  1. I have read your article, That's Nice. I have also written a paragraph on School Magazine. Please take a look if you got time.

  2. Please post full paragraph on my school magazine.

  3. Very nice paragraph πŸ‘πŸ»

  4. 🌸🌸🌸 (*’(OO)’*) cutest

  5. Good but paragraph is very short πŸ˜ŠπŸ–€πŸ₯€ but is good.....

  6. It's good but it's very short but good not bad
