Village Life vs Rural Life

The village life means living in village areas with a friendly, simple and easy environment. As Bangladesh is an agricultural country, the village life here is full of unsophisticated nature and agrarian. It is different from city life in many ways. In village areas, houses are made of straw, bamboo, and mud. A very few tin shed houses are also found. The houses have spacious yards often with a kitchen garden in front of it. Vast fields smile with green crops, rivers, and murmuring streams flow gently. Trees are bent with ripe fruits. In fact, fresh vegetables, fish, fruits, etc. are available and cheap in village. It seems that nature has given her bounteous gifts to those who live in village areas. Peace and quiet is everywhere. Most of the village people are easy going and co-operative. They get up from bed early in the morning and perform their daily work before the sun sets. They have more scope for natural pastime which cannot be expected in the city life. Kinship is intense, and relationship among the neighbors is very deep here. There are no road-accidents, no obnoxious smoke of mills and factories. However, a village life has its drawbacks too. In the rainy season, movement is very difficult because there is no paved road in the village. There is no good doctor in a village. Children do not get standard education because there is no good school. So, sometimes a village life may seem very dull and monotonous as there are no good medical facilities, communication facilities, and school facilities for children. Yet, those who love calm and cool life are fond of leading a village life.


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