gifts of science are immense. It would be ungrateful not to recognize the boons
which science has given to mankind. It has brought benefits and advantages to
the common men which were unthinkable several decades ago. These benefits and
advantages were only the privilege of the few rich people sometime in the past.
It has shown how malnutrition, hunger, and disease can be overcome. It has
increased the average longevity of mankind. Not only has it heightened life,
but also has it deepened its quality. In the past fields of knowledge,
recreation, and experience were open only to a few. But they have been thrown open
to the millions of ordinary people. In the field of medicine science has
relieved human sufferings to a large extent. Modern cities or towns enjoy the
gifts of science to a maximum degree. A modern town is planned scientifically.
Communication and sanitation are directed by science. Rural people are also
benefitted by science. Formerly village
people used to move in bullock carts from place to place. But now motor
vehicles are available even in distant villages. In the field of education its
contribution is enormous. Thousands of books, magazines, and newspapers are
easily available every day. The gifts of science are too numerous to mention.
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