The Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse effect means rise of atmospheric temperature around the world. It is the gradual warming of the air around the earth as a result of heat being trapped by environmental pollution. It has been reported that the world's climate is changing significantly. The world temperature is increasing day by day. Carbondioxide is the main cause of greenhouse effect. Pollutants such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons also contribute to this increase. Deforestation around the world, increasing number of vehicles on the roads, burning down of tropical rain forests, rapid growth of industry, burning of wood and oil etc. are increasing the amount of carbondioxide. The effects of greenhouse are serious and dangerous. It has been predicted that by the mid way through the next century temperatures may have risen as much as 4ᴼC. This will greatly reduce mankind's ability to grow food and damage wildlife and wilderness. As a result of global warming, the ice in the Polar Regions is melting. This may raise the sea level of water and flood coastal areas. So, farmland will go under water. The alarming news for Bangladesh is that the lower southern part of the country may one day go under water. At present the greenhouse effect has become a matter of great concern for the world. Some measures should be taken immediately to stop it. The sources of greenhouse gases such as carbondioxide and carbonmonoxide should be brought under control. We should plant more trees as trees absorb carbondioxide which is the main cause of greenhouse effect. Worldwide tree plantation programme should be strengthened. We must not burn and destroy forestland. Old vehicles must not be allowed to ply on the roads. The most important thing is to raise public awareness in this regard. 


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