Drug addication

Anything that is excessive is not good and if that is drug then there is no question regarding it. Drug addication is now a global problem. This social cancer has spread its harmful claws through out the world. There may have many causes behind drug addication. Frustration is the root cause of it. Beside it unemployment problem, political crisis, lack of family ties, lack of love and affection are responsible for drug addicted. It has a dangerous effect on human body. It may damage the brain and all internal function of the body. In our country thousands of families in cities, towns and even rural areas are directly or indirectly affected by it. It creats various kind of social crimes. In order to arrange money the addicted person engage in committing crimes like hijacking, looting, killing etc. When we will be able to creat awarness among the young generation of our country, we will get a society free from drug addication.


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