Importance of Hostel life

A hostel is a shelter for the students who come from far off places. Students live there with each other and learn the value of discipline and co-operation. The atmosphere of a hostel is conducive to study.

Generally, hostels are situated close to school or college. Thus the teachers have direct watch and supervision over the students in the hostels. Further, it saves time of the students for study. The hostel life is a disciplined life.

Life in a hostel is helpful to the students. It teaches them a sense of responsibility in matters of taking care of books, clothes and health. Students do all the works with their own hands. Thus they become self-dependent. They try to manage themselves with the money from their father. They try to adjust themselves with all kinds of situations.

The students in hostel feel that they are not alone. The superintendent of the hostel acts as the father of a family. The students adhere to a new routine life. They pay hostel dues and mess dues etc. in time. If the payment is delayed, they will be in trouble. Students have their study hour and meal hour in hostel. They do not get any scope to neglect their study. They are free from the worries of home. They devote themselves sincerely to their studies.

A hostel is like a family of students with the superintendent as the head. Students develop a sense of friendship and fellow feeling. They read, play, dine and sit together. In hostel, students exchange their books. A student, thus, does not need to buy all the books. Further, reading in company is more helpful to them than reading alone.


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