exercise means the regular movement of our limbs in a systematic way with a view
to keeping them fit. The proverb goes, "Health is the root of all
happiness.” So to enjoy the happiness of life, one should take physical
exercise regularly. Physical exercise keeps our body active, stout and strong.
There are different types of physical exercises. Walking, swimming, cycling,
and jogging are some of the most popular physical exercises. Walking and
swimming are the best kinds of physical exercises because they are suitable for
people of all ages. On the other hand, cycling and running are very helpful for
younger ones. It helps us in digesting food, in free circulation of blood and
keeps our mind fresh. It enhances our hunger and strengthens our digestive
organs. It removes extra fat from our body. It makes our muscles strong and
stout. If you are student, you should follow the rules of good health. Taking
physical exercise is a part of keeping good health. If one does not take
physical exercise, he will lead a life but cannot enjoy it properly. Physical
exercise should be taken at proper time and at proper places. We should take
physical exercise in an open field early in the morning or in the afternoon. As
health is wealth, we should take physical exercise regularly to keep this
wealth good. It should also be remembered that too much physical exercise is
harmful to health. It would be an act of wise for the aged people to consult a
physician before choosing a type of physical exercise. Needless to say that
over-exercise can deform and fracture different organs of our body. Even death
from over exercise is not unusual. So, we should be careful about it.
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