Phones have been around
since the late 1800s, but cell phones made their appearance only in the 1990s.
Today, by some estimates, more than 100 million people in Bangladesh and more
than 4.6 billion people worldwide have mobile phones. Anything that is useful
and spreads so fast has to be considered one of the greatest inventions of all
time. Just two decades ago, in Bangladesh, even land lines were difficult to
obtain, let alone mobile phones. Today people from a l l social strata use cell
phones, from street vendors to business executives in luxury cars, and from
villagers to urbanites. Since May 2015, Bangladesh joined its South Asian
neighbours India (862 million) and Pakistan (122 million) on the list of
countries with 100 million or more mobile phone users. The other countries on
the list are China (one billion users), Russia, Brazil, the United States,
Indonesia, Japan, Germany, the Philippines and Nigeria.
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