The First Communications Satellite

People on Earth may take for granted today's high-tech world of cell phones, GPS and the satellites high above the planet that make instant communication possible. But it all began 50 years ago with one giant space balloon. 10 July 1962 marked the birth of satellite communications. On this day the Telstar satellite commenced its journey into space and became the first ever active communications satellite. It carried the first live trans-Atlantic TV broadcasts. Telstar was built by a team at Bell Telephone Laboratories in USA and incorporated many innovations such as the transistor and the 3,600 solar panels that powered the satellite. Telstar produced 14 watts and relayed its first and non-public television pictures on 11 July 1962. The satellite could carry 600 voice calls and one black-and-white TV channel from an egg-shaped orbit. Today, we use satellites for GPS, TV, radio, weather tracking, military surveillance, space exploration and global communications, among other things.


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