A freedom
fighter is a person who thinks his native ethnic group is
not free, and is working to have freedom for his group. Most often this
means that a freedom fighter wants his people to have own nation and independence and/or
get rid of oppressors. People who think like this are said to think in
a nationalist way.
fighter is a relativistic term - this means a person decides by his
or her point of view if he call some persons or groups freedom
fighters or not. Freedom fighter is a positive term - this means that
he or she calls a person "freedom fighter" only if he or she supports
the goals of the freedom fighter. If people do not support his goals, they
probably use more negative terms like insurgent, terrorist, rebel or criminal.
fighters are often called terrorists by their opponents if they
hurt civilians. However, not all freedom fighters hurt civilians. Some
freedom fighters damage the opposing military. Some freedom fighters
damage property - this is called sabotage. There are also freedom fighters
who do not use violence at all. For example, the Mahatma
Gandhi and the Dalai
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