The Importance of Media in Our Lives


Media refers to some mediums which are used to communicate with the mass of the people. The importance of media in our lives is so great that we cannot describe in a nutshell. In fact, it is enormous. Modern life is very complicated and man is always on the go for material prosperity. Even then they try to find leisure for peace and enjoyment. The newspaper, magazines, journals, television and nowadays computer play vital roles in this connection. Radio plays a vital role in our life as a source of instruction and entertainment. Though a good number of our people in towns and cities watch television, for the majority in rural Bangladesh the radio keeps its way. We have different types of programmes such as news, weather forecast, educational programmes, sports commentary, entertainment and communication on them. Both the educated and the illiterate can derive joy from them, for they have recreational as well as educative significance. Our progress, prosperity and development depend much on them. Above all, media play the role of a mirror of the world.


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