When I was a child, I used to go to my village primary
school. I used to play with my cousins. On that day, I used to go to the hat
with my father. I was very much fond of sweets. Father used to buy me, sweets.
I used to collect fallen mangoes in our garden in the months of Baishakh. I
also used to make garlands with the withered flowers. I didn’t use to quarrel
with my playmates. I didn’t use to disturb in the classroom. I wasn’t
inattentive to my lessons. I didn’t use to play truant from school. I didn’t
disturb my old grandparents. I was very much obedient to my parents, superiors,
and others. I didn’t use to pluck mangoes or fruit from the garden of others. I
didn’t use to mix with bad boys. Everybody in our family used to love me very
much for my childlike simplicity.
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