
Biomass is described as organic, non-fossilized material. Biomass can be used as fuel, called biofuel. Unlike other natural fuel resources like petroleum and coal, biomass is a renewable source of energy 

Biomass can be burned for fuel for cooking. It can also be used to create electricity and heat. For this purpose, biomass can consist of organisms that were recently alive. It can also consist of chaff, manure, and other metabolic byproducts. 

Some agricultural products are specifically grown for use as biofuel. These biomass resources can include such things as corn, flaxseed, rapeseed, and soybeans. Corn and soybeans are grown for use as biofuel primarily in the United States, while flaxseed and rapeseed are used for this purpose mostly in Europe. 

Industry, agriculture, forestry, and household wastes can also be used for bioenergy. These things can include food leftovers, garbage, sewage, manure, straw, lumber, and other similar substances. Most frequently, biomass is burned for the purpose of releasing its stored chemical energy. However, research is being conducted to find more efficient ways of converting biomass into electricity by using fuel cells. 

Biomass can be used for local heating, district heating, and centralized electricity. Biofuels are currently being developed for the purpose of replacing oil and natural gas. These fuels may even provide a way to reduce carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by using biomass instead of other, non-renewable energy sources. 

There are many types of solid biomass that can be used for fuel. Some examples include, wood, crops, sugarcane, straw, and dried plants. Liquid forms of biomass, useable as fuel, include ethanol fuel, biomass-produced methanol, and animal oils.


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