sometimes known as biomatter can be used to produce biofuel. This fuel can be
delivered in many forms, such as biodiesel to fuel modern diesel vehicles and
heat to heat water and drive turbines. Biomass comes in many forms, such as
waste and crude vegetable and animal oil and fats (lipids), sugar cane residue,
wheat chaff, corn cobs and other plant matter. In fact biomass can be defined
as any recently living organisms or their metabolic by-products, such as manure
from cows.
often considered as a member of the solid biomass family, dried compressed peat
is not strictly one. It does not meet the criteria of being a renewable form of
energy, or of the carbon being recently absorbed from atmospheric carbon
dioxide by growing plants. It is regarded as a fossil fuel and when burned it
adds to the CO2 present in the atmosphere.
partly use photosynthesis to store solar energy, water and CO2 and this matter
can be, and is, burnt quite successfully. An advantage of this process is that
no net CO2 is released, whereas animal faeces release methane under the
influence of anaerobic bacteria. These methods can all be used to generate
electricity. Of course electricity is not the only form of energy available by
utilizing solid biomass. In some areas corn, sugar beets, cane and grasses are
grown specifically to produce biomass fuels, such as biodiesel, ethanol and
bagasse (often a by-product of sugar cane cultivation) that can be burned in
internal combustion engines or boilers.
biomass is burned to release its stored chemical energy. Research into more
efficient methods of converting solid biomass and other fuels into electricity
utilizing fuel cells is an area which is ongoing.
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