is a symptom of life. But loud and shrill sound has become a burning problem
nowadays. Normal tolerance limit of sound for a man is 45 decibels. When this
limit exceeds 45 decibels, it is called sound pollution. Recently, sound
pollution has reached at an alarming stage in human life. Vehicle horns and
indiscriminate use of loud speakers breach the easement and cause sound
pollution. These sounds are also produced by different motor vehicles, mills,
factories, buses, railways and other modern appliances. The extent of sound
pollution has already crossed the normal limits of human tolerance. Its impact
on us is so harmful that we may become gradually deaf. The motor drivers often
press the horns unnecessarily even near the hospitals, and schools, which
causes serious problem to the patients and students. Patients can be directly
affected by rising blood pressure. It causes lack of concentration in studies.
It is also extremely harmful for our hearing and brain. Our young generation
has a peculiar fascination towards listening music at high volume. Besides,
there are many hotels and shops at the roadsides and these shops and hotels
also tune their audio system loudly to attract customers. All these cause sound
pollution. Medical specialists say that sound pollution may damage one’s
hearing system permanently. However, sound pollution must be checked to live in
peace. By developing public awareness and careful town planning sound pollution
can be controlled. Besides, government should introduce strict laws to stop
sound pollution.
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