Certain methods of soil
conservation have been in practice in India for a long time now. Some of them
are in use till today.
i. Cultivation that was
undertaken on a gentle slope or terraces was the best way to conserve soil.
Terrace farming improves the infiltration of water into the soil. This moisture
laden soil does not easily run-off.
ii. Green manure is
prepared by decomposition of biomass in the soil. While green manure is safer
than chemical manures, it also makes the soil more porous. Green manure also
prevents waterlogging.
iii. A popular indigenous
agricultural practice to check soil erosion is strip cropping. The gentle
slopes of strip cropping reduce the soil that may move away with the water.
iv. Crop rotation is
well known to reduce soil erosion.
v. Cover crops are used
to provide green cover to the soil at a time when the main crop is not being
grown. This keeps the land fertile and reduces sedimentation. Earthworms that
arrive during crop cover also improve fertility.
vi. Legume crops use
the phosphorus in the soil and remove excess nitrogen from the air. These crops
also provide more minerals to the soil and are therefore good for soil
vii. Casuarina leaves
were traditionally applied to spoilt soil because they help fight soil
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